Dubai Lynx

National Day "Retweet For The Future"


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Case Film
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September 14 2019, a shocking day for Saudi Arabia. With one blow, the country’s oil production was cut by 50% and with it, people’s resilience was put to the test. After decades of hard work, would they go on building the country’s promising future?

But in less than 7 days, Saudi Aramco restored full operations and Saudi Arabia’s vision for its future was back on track.

However, news of the attacks had rocked the morale of the people of Saudi Arabia. Our campaign objective was to give people a message of resilience and show that we were back on track. We needed positive news to spread and replace the negative PR the company got.


To spread news of our come back and bring resilience back, we needed a campaign with

the same kind of reach that news channels have. So how do we create such a campaign?

Simple, it’s not how, it’s where and when.

We partnered with twitter, the #1 social media platform where all of Saudi Arabia goes to read news and spread news instantly.

And we turned each Saudi on twitter into our own micro news channel.


On September 19th, 3 days before Saudi National Day, there and then, we launched our

film, for the whole nation, with a message of resilience.

The film tells the story of a company with deep roots in Saudi, a company that grew with the nation, made history with it and was not about to give up on the future of the nation.

Every time a Saudi retweeted the Aramco national day film, they

received a reply tweet from an automated bot that directed them to one of the 14 nation-

wide projects Aramco was still fueling. The retweets were catchy, simple and written in the form of positive news headlines, targeting each Saudi directly.

We then invited viewers to go to our micro-site where they could explore the film’s

hidden historical and cultural gems. Gems provided through interactive hotspots

reminding them of the bright future that’s ahead.


Our film was already in the making for national day, the decision we took was to launch it despite of the attacks. And we tweaked the whole dissemination strategy last minute. We used the film on twitter and created the automated bot replying with ongoing projects that Aramco is currently fueling. In less than 5 days, we thought of this, we implemented it and we launched it for the whole national on national day.


Our video was the most viewed video on national day. And our campaign hashtag was trending even days after the national day. Our campaign collected more than 45 million impressions.

Reaching 99% of the nation. This is how Aramco powered the whole nation, with strength

to persevere… on national day.

• 45 million impressions

• 13 million+ video views in the first week

• The hashtag trended within the top 5 for 4 days

• 95% positive sentiment across the nation.

• 4% increase in global brand health index.

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