Cannes Lions




1 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
Presentation Image






Two not so professional burglars visit an ultra-modern mansion. A mansion that literally opens its doors to them. When they attempt to climb over the electric gates, it automatically opens -- as does the front door in their dumb attempt to unlock it with a tiny paperclip. As they go through the house, the owner's automated-everything helpfully points out all the expensive stuff. It lights up paintings, sets off the robot vacuum, plays music over the designer speakers and eventually reveals a big hidden TV screen. And when they think it couldn’t even be better. The duo looks at a marvellous electric sports car, which was just revealed to them by the opening of the garage doors.

Are they that good, or is this robbery to good to be true…?

Centraal Beheer insurances is using the ‘Just call us’ tagline for 30+ years. It's Holland’s most famous campaign.


It is evening. We are in a neighbourhood with very large houses. Mansions.

An odd van is parked along the street. We see two silhouettes crossing the street, towards the large house we are looking at.

The house has a large fence with a big gate in the middle.

As we move in with the camera, we see that the two silhouettes have arrived at the gate. It is clear what these two men intend to do. But they do not look like professional burglars. They’re a bit shabby and not very clever – but in a mischievous way.

Let’s call them Ben and Josh.

They didn’t forget to put on ski masks, but they did forget to pull them over their faces – that’s how clever they are.

Ben leans against the gate and gives Josh a leg up.

He climbs up and after a little struggle – these men aren’t pros, after all – Josh gets one leg over the gate.

But with Josh on top of the gate, something strange happens. We hear a ‘blieb’ and suddenly the gate starts to open. Josh is startled and looks at his friend.

Ben does not see this as a problem. The gate is opening electronically; it might be a motion sensor. It just saves him the trouble of having to climb it.

Moments later, Ben and Josh cross the driveway on their way to the front door.

There, Josh gets down on his knees at the door. He takes out a bent paper clip to pick the lock.

To his great surprise, there is no lock to be found on the door. But as soon as he approaches the door, we hear a ‘blieb’ and the door opens.

They go inside, albeit with some trepidation.

The men are now crossing the dark hallway. It’s a classic image, those two dark figures sneaking one after the other.

But then suddenly we hear a ‘blieb’ and see a light switch on. Ben and Josh are startled, but when nothing further happens, they see that this is a light on the wall just above a painting.

A real Jackson Pollock painting!

The men do not hesitate. The Pollock is taken off the wall and together; they cram the picture into one of the bags they are carrying.

Good. They have their first loot. But even as they are still handling the painting, they hear a ‘blieb’ followed by the sound of a vacuum cleaner in an adjacent room.

Carefully, Ben and Josh peek around the corner. In the room, they see not only an expensice robotic vacuum cleaner but also some really nice design speakers. At that moment we hear the ‘blieb’ again and the music is turned on.

Even though the men find all of this somewhat strange, Ben does not hesitate. He lifts one of the expensive speakers onto his shoulder and carries it out of the room. Josh jumps -with open bag- onto the robotic vacuum cleaner to catch it like it’s a dangerous animal.

Moments later, Josh is back in the hallway again. He is walking by a painting. It’s an odd painting of a man who is clearly wearing glasses, in a strange triumphant pose, with both index fingers raised upward.

Josh shakes his head. What a silly thing! He walks on.

Then they end up in the master bedroom. As they look around, something strange happens here, too. At the end of the bed, a giant TV rises up out of the footboard, the men are still impressed. This place is unbelievable!

We now see Ben and Josh carrying out the enormous TV set. And as they exit the front door, we see, in the background, how the garage door suddenly opens.

Behind it, a marvellous electric sports car comes into view. A BMW i8.

Ben and Josh look at each other. Jackpot!

Hard cut to a completely different location.

We are in an auditorium where a boastful CEO with an unusual pair of glasses – where had we seen them before? – is giving a presentation, just like the ones we know from Steve Jobs or Steve Ballmer when they introduced new products.

The packed hall is dark; the audience is audibly excited.

We hear the boastful CEO’s presentation as he raves ecstatically about “his” wonderful new product.

He is holding a mobile phone in his hand.

The audience may want to watch along with him on the big screen.

Overly confident, the man calls out:

VO: …curtains, lights, doors.

VO: I can even unlock my car.

As the man, who is very proud of his product and especially of himself, basks in the thunderous applause, he raises both index fingers. This is his trademark pose, as the audience’s even louder cheers confirm.

In a confident gesture he ends with:

VO: And the only one with access… is me!

Meanwhile, we hear energetic music. As he maintains his pose, the proud CEO enjoys his success. He’s on top of the world.

Next to him, we see the title:

Just call us.

End Title:

Centraal Beheer insurances

055- 5798000

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