Cannes Lions


IMPRINT, New York / T. ROWE PRICE / 2015

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Currently the use, popularity and success of branded content and content marketing are on the rise in the USA. According to recent research by the Content Council – leading industry council in the USA – executives describe branded content as custom storytelling, thought leadership, value-added, relevant, engaging audiences, and influencing action. Additionally, they list the most important goals of content marketing as: acquiring new business, increasing brand engagement and improving brand perception. Currently, companies are allocating a little over 23% of their marketing budgets to content marketing, estimating that by 2017 it will rise to 1/3 of their budgets.


Readers can receive Investor in the channels they most prefer consuming content: microsite, email, print and through an innovative iPad application. Individual articles are also promoted via social channels. The print magazine is mailed to over 700,000 individual investors and the digital platforms have an opt-in subscriber base of over 80,000 who receive the publication through email delivery.


The objectives of T. Rowe Price Investor, a multi-channel publishing program to T. Rowe Price’s retail clients, is to increase individual investors’ confidence in their retirement planning and investment choices, deepen their engagement with the firm’s thought leadership, and expand awareness and understanding of T. Rowe Price’s solutions set. While Investor primarily focuses on individual investor segments facing the complexity of transitioning into retirement, the challenge of each issue is to also incorporate guidance for readers in the early, accumulation stage of retirement planning, and with varying investment experience.

The content strategy of Investor is centered on the pillars of T. Rowe Price intellectual capital: retirement and investing. To solve for these challenges, the magazine editorial includes tips, strategies, analysis and considerations encouraging these independent investors to take action and make informed, confident decisions. Columns from experts and managers provide an insider’s look at the mutual fund company’s intellectual capital and solutions.

Design enforces the approachable, clear, informative voice and purpose of the publication. Further, design works to clearly highlight the intended actions and supporting solutions. This is exemplified by the use of direct call-to-actions at the conclusion of each article that encourages readers to take that next step.

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