Cannes Lions

IRL Emoji

LEPUB, Sao Paulo / HEINZ / 2024

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After Unicode, the company that approves new emojis worldwide, once again failed to release a ketchup emoji in their annual update, fans produced an online backlash, demanding that the red condiment was added. The brief was to come up with a creative idea that could generate organic repercussions and earn PR for Heinz. As a brand synonymous with ketchup, our goal was to join this conversation with a relevant brand response, engaging our followers by leveraging their unconditional love, on social platforms like X, Instagram, and TikTok.


If Unicode didn't create a ketchup emoji, Heinz did it. For real. We launched an emoji version of our famous squeeze bottle, with real Heinz ketchup in it. A ketchup emoji made the way we make our ketchup: with natural ingredients. Influencers and creators spread the word around. Instantly, ketchup lovers went crazy about it, wanting to put their hands, and mouths, on the emoji. Fans loved it so much that they organically used our emoji to create virtual ones to post online. So, by launching the IRL Emoji, Heinz also ended up launching the much awaited virtual ketchup emoji.


If we need a ketchup emoji, it has to be Heinz. This was the key message we wanted to portray with the IRL Emoji. Our PR strategy then involved fans, influencers, internet celebrities, and journalists to earn impressions not only online but also on the news. The emoji was sent to three different clusters in order to build brand equity: burger lovers, tech journalists, and trade marketing professionals. With a combination of these audiences, Heinz and the IRL Emoji were able to navigate the spheres of food, tech, and marketing, making headlines in the press.


We started by mapping an yearly online conversation: after Unicode releases new emojis, fans go to social media to complain about a constant problem—there's never been a ketchup emoji. So, right after it was confirmed that a ketchup emoji wasn't going to come out this year, Heinz started demanding it. After no answers, we took matters into our own hands and decided to create an emoji. For real. The IRL Emoji, a real-life version of our iconic squeeze bottle, made people go crazy. 300 units were developed and sent to influencers, and also made available in partner burger shops and restaurants.


The IRL Emoji got the whole internet talking, leading to +1.7 million social impressions combining posts from Heinz, influencers, and fans across X, Instagram, and TikTok. It led to a +946% increase in social engagement, +33 million impacts, +118 increase in Heinz mentions. Alongside its social media success, the campaign also got picked up by 49 media outlets, and lifted brand consideration by 11% and sales by 15%.

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