Cannes Lions

Kidsbook Collection

AFRICA, Sao Paulo / ITAU / 2016


2 Bronze Cannes Lions
1 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
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If everybody is on Facebook, why don't we have books there too?

That's how Kidsbook Collection was born: we created interactive books for kids and displayed them on the perfect shelf: parents' newsfeeds on Facebook.

To make it possible we hacked Canvas, its new rich media format: instead of creating an ad, we created a new way to read to children.

Using targeted ads, we delivered the books to the right audience – parents of young children – at the right time – around bedtime.

This way, reading to a child became as easy as sharing a post on Facebook, which is quite appropriate, after all, the platform has "book" in its name.


To bring our idea to life, we hacked the newly released Canvas, Facebook full-screen mobile format. But to make the story look incredible to children's eyes, we didn't hack only the ad space but the format itself. Therefore, it was possible to use all Canvas features that kids would love: interactions, animations and sound effects.

Brazilian best-seller authors were chosen to write the stories and when they were finished, we developed a digital campaign to support the launch: book trailers with authors and partnerships with bookstores and digital influencers specialized in children’s subjects. All initiatives had the same goal: remind parents about the importance of reading to children.

When the first book was born, we used our media intelligence to deliver it to the right target (parents of young children) at the right place (their Facebook newsfeed) at the right time (around children's bedtime).


The Kidsbook Collection is part of a major project called "Read to a child", which, as the name already says, wants to increase the number of hours parents spend reading to their children.

Therefore, our main goal was reminding people about the importance of reading to kids and gathering them to increase this reading time’s average.

Our project made people share this story not only with their kids, but also with everyone else. Take a look at the results of the campaign first week:

18MM+ people reached

22K+ shares – 600% more than our average

5K+ comments – 99% of positive

And above all results, Kidsbook Collection completed over 244,000 hours of reading time. In other words: we created an experience that really made families read and spend some time together.

This way, they lived happily ever after.

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