Cannes Lions

Kim At The Museum

SID LEE, New York / SID LEE / 2016

Presentation Image
Case Film






We took Kim Kardashian's "Modern Masterpiece" aka Selfish a book of her Instagram selfies to the Met and juxtaposed it with the classic masterpieces there. We then shared the images on Tumblr. It was as simple as that.

Insights gained:

-you CAN turn a budget of a half-empty metro card into 50 000 notes, 10 000 followers, millions of impressions. In 48 hours.

-you CAN have your agency mentioned by every press outlet totally organically

-you WILL get many many bad looks if you take Kim Kardashian’s Selfish and put it in front of paintings at the Met.


We decided to share our images on Tumblr. Tumblr is creative, it's cool and it's visual. It's where you show art, and where those experiment with images. Tumblr is this endless cascade of images, of the weird, of the internet, it was exactly where Kim needed to be.

Within hours we were selected as the Tumblr featured site of the day, and the crazy kids who live for that platform took it from there.


Tumblr featured site of the day >>>

People shared Tumblr >>>

More people shared Tumblr >>>

Press shared Tumblr >>>

More people shared Tumblr>>>

People shared images from Tumblr on every other platform

= Viral


50 000 notes+

10 000 followers in a week+

Millions of impressions+

Tons and tons of press


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