Cannes Lions

KLIK's lottery without prizes


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Case Film






All brands try to lure customers with prizes and rewards. Because our brand is so tasty – we don't need to give away prizes. So, we launched a lottery in which you can win – nothing.

Buy a Klik snack, enter the lottery, and win – Nothing.


In December 2017, the campaign was launched by a very serious and extensive digital, television, POS and cinema media, alongside social and content strategy, including "mock-up" testimonials in which people were asked "How they will celebrate winning NOTHING".

Campaign also included Israel's leading YOUTUBERS, who created their own original content around the idea of ??the campaign.

We also launched billboards with the familiar concepts of lottery ads, and even placed a billboard at the local airport in Zanzibar (Tanzania)- a recent destination for call-to-action Doritos rewards campaign and a very popular vacation destination, which it says:

"Enjoy a vacation at your own expense, because with klik you win nothing."


The campaign succeeded beyond expectations.

16,000 registered in order to win NOTHING

A total of 100,000 U/Users entered the website, and the average time spent on the platform was a whole minute, with 200,000 interactions inside the website that included a variety of "trolls and parody", Since this is young people audience who are in no rush to fill in personal details, let alone with no incentive, this is especially impressive.

The Video ad and content videos in social media platforms have gained more than 7.5 million video views. When it came to sharing and commenting on the Internet, the target audience continued to develop the insight in their own way, with hundreds of responses that dealt with the big wining the NOTHING.

Google: All-time record in brand's search growth

and most important: Product was sold out!

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