Cannes Lions



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Norwegian food producer, Stabburet, is launching a new line of quickly-made quality soup, 'Kokkeklar', to be sold in grocery stores. The paid media campaign starts...but is not very engaging. Stabburet wants to use PR to boost the launch and awareness of the new soup, and emphasise the quality aspect.

Soup is a low-involvement product. Our research showed that soup and humour connect. So we invited Larry Thomas, who played the legendary 'Soup Nazi' in Seinfeld, to serve soup to Norwegians from a kitchen looking like the one in the series. If there is one person who really symbolises soup quality it is him. Besides, an event like this would be a great instrument for Stabburet to get to talk about Kokkeklar in a relevant way.

The objective was to increase the brand awareness, emphasise the quality aspect and sell more soup.

Key PR elements and strategy: - Use humour to get people to taste the soup in an engaging setting, by involving 'The Soup Nazi'.

- Create synergies between social and traditional media to get as many people as possible to talk about Stabburet's soup.Results:- More than 300 people were served 'Kokkeklar' soup in only 2.5 hours; - User-generated content was produced and spread; - 130 press articles including all major national channels;- Sales increased 125%, and the fish soup became the best-selling frozen product in Norway.

Survey Results: - 37% of all Norwegians heard about the event; - 1 in 4 will buy the product.


We invited Larry Thomas, aka 'The Soup Nazi' from Seinfeld, to Norway. We wanted him to serve soup to ecstatic Norwegians from a pop-up kitchen that looked exactly like the one in the series. If there is one person who really symbolises soup quality it is him.

9 days before the event:We launched a Groupon deal: 50 VIP tickets at kr100 to the soup kitchen. The Groupon reaches 400,000 Norwegians. That way we started a buzz already before the press release went out, and were guaranteed a long line before the kitchen opened.

7 to 0 days left: Press invitation and follow ups. Buzz in earned media is massive, lots of linking from online articles. Ambassadors spread the message. Interviews with Stabburet. Guiding Larry. Radio interviews. Building the kitchen.

The event:2.5 hours with 'No Soup for You' in the middle of Oslo. It's a success.


More than 300 satisfied customers waiting for soup on the day of the event.

User-generated content: Several people made videos of the event and posted them on YouTube - Great soup ambassadors!The event created a positive buzz in social media, in several phases. More than 130 press articles, including all major national radio, TV and newspapers were released.Kokkeklar sales increased 125% the same week we started talking about 'the Soup Nazi' event in earned media. The paid media campaign started 6 weeks before our PR-activity was official, so we really were the ones boosting the brand. Kokkeklar Fish: the best-selling frozen product in Norway.At first, Norgesgruppen (40% market share) did not want Kokkeklar in their stores. After our PR-activity and the sales explosion, they changed their mind.

Survey Results: - 37% of all Norwegians heard about the event; - 1 out of 4 will buy the product.

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