Cannes Lions

La Calle - Skip Netflix


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Case Film






After being 2 months confined, spring arrived and the first news came up that we could finally get out on the street, meet our families and friends, etc.

In this context, Netflix understood that it was a unique moment to do something as a brand to relate with the society.

It was the time to communicate that it was the moment to leave behind our couch and the platform that helped us so much to be entertained, to enjoy again what we have missed so much.

We needed a campaign:

An “only Netflix could do that” campaign that generated conversation, press and consumer joy.

A“comeback” that celebrated our entertainment & advertising industry “back to business” with Netflix as the industry leader.


We launched our controversial concept: Skip Netflix.

This message was launched in an OOH campaign that went viral in Spain for the messages that were being displayed, its insights and the direct connection with the brand.

With three different phases, it was the brand that better welcomed the comeback to going out on the street after being confined as, as ironic as it sounds, this ended up being one of the most unskippable campaigns in Spain in 2020.


Insight: After 2 months being locked down watching Netflix, the lockdown finally ended and the chance to go out on the street was the most desired and commented on.

Key Message: Skip Netflix and go out.

Target: Spaniards.

We developed a clear message and a 1st action to focus the attention on Netflix:

The Street. New Season.

From our experience in the market, we knew that Netflix campaigns in smaller cities using local insights are very welcomed.

This is how we developed our 2nd phase of the campaign: using an ad hoc format that allowed us to place them in some iconic regional locations with local messages that could be only understood by them. A very shearable format that helped to increase the buzz around it.

And if someone was still laying on their couch, we launched a last message: Still watching? The finishing touch of a well rounded campaign.


Netflix always looks for a very organic PR, that comes from the conversation around the campaigns and the fact that it is a love brand.

Netflix campaigns normally generate a great impact as long as the audience likes them and their users expect a great deal of Netflix marketing campaigns.

By just publishing one tweet on Netflix´s account we lighted the fuse. In just a few minutes, millions of people were talking about it. The WOM was so big, that during the second phase the users were the ones sharing it.

Phase 1. First billboard and posts in social media: April 27.

Phase 2: Transparent structures and local messages: June 22

Phase 3: Closing billboard. Are you still watching?: June 25.


- Media outputs:

+70M impressions. The campaign was mentioned on general, sportive and regional press with very positive comments: Netflix announces the show everyone’s waiting for, Netflix displays genius advertising once again, Netflix announces the most anticipated ‘series’

It reinforced the brand´s industry leadership, as a business and for their marketing.

Linkedin: #1 topic for creative industry people.

- Target audience outcomes:

Twitter: top 3 YTD on impressions (1.8M).

Facebook and Instagram post: >200k likes each. Booming on IG Stories and posts from users and influencers, including some talent.

Twitter: best tweet YTD on engagement (20%).

Brand love messages:

1 “Went out for a walk and came back home to pay 10 years of Netflix in advance”

2 “Pay all the Netflix money to those marketeers”

- Business outcomes:

Best campaign revenue: very relevant OOH placement with a minimum cost ($33k).

Brand equity increased.

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