Cannes Lions

La Liga Challenge


Case Film
Presentation Image






In order to get the new generations to start bouncing the basketball ball, we had to put the balls in the children’s hands.

In Argentina children consume an average of 20 minutes per day watching videos on the web. So, we called the most outstanding basketball players in the circuit and we created a content of videos online: #LALIGACHALLENGE

A challenge where The League donated a ball to neighborhood clubs all over the country for every three-point shot made. A chain that began with basketball stars but that soon got to other idols of the kids:

Musicians, TV hosts, actors, soccer players, comedians, etc. also joined this challenge.


• Implementation

We told the mechanics of the challenge with formats of short duration.

We used the brand’s social networks to communicate the action and to show how lots of opinion leaders joined the sport. How a musician, an artist, a soccer player and many more could also bounce a ball.

With formats of short duration we invited celebrities to get to every corner in the country. Thus, we got absolutely every corner in the country to have the possibility of bouncing a basketball ball at a neighborhood club.

• Timeline

The action began on 02/01 and finished on 03/15. It lasted 15 days more than initially planned due to the high participation of Argentinean celebrities.

• Placement

The challenge was developed on the brand’s social networks and through the official channels of each celebrity.

• Scale

The media investment was of $50,000 Argentine pesos.


The videos were shared over 5,000 times.

#LaLigaChallenge reached over 9 million Twitter users and became a Trending Topic.

The engagement on La Liga social networks increased by 200%.

It also reached the press, generating an amount of earned media of u$s 500,000.

Over 62 Argentinean celebrities joined the challenge and over 980 balls were donated to 185 neighborhood clubs all over the country.

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