Cannes Lions



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The goals outlined at the outset of the redesign were to showcase and retail the groups entire product range from lingerie to perfume. Such an extravagant range deserved an extravagant execution for its online store. This was achieved by the use of a exclusively creative carousel as a method of viewing the product range by type within the Interactive Store. The titillating photos have been used to full effect and enhanced with the use of movement to add to the product appeal, whilst increasing the online sales across the board.As one of the main objectives of the site was to heighten consumer awareness of the brand by communicating the personality of Agent Provocateur, the overall look and feel of the site has been congruently designed to assimilate other media produced to support the brand– allowing for cross platform promotion and association. The core audience (A1, B1 consumers Adult male/females), which is somewhat different to the usual group for any typical lingerie company, was equally weighted and has been targeted in manner that satisfies each sector - empowering the female market whilst enticing the male contingent.Enhancing the brand within its current standing among existing and potential competitors. The pure design aspect of the site has been built upon Agent Provocateurs name within the industry, giving it a superior edge that others could only wish for. The showcasing of the merchandise has been done in a way that is subtle yet effective and not in the least catalogue-like. The online store is intriguing to use coaxing the user to browse for a longer period of time, encouraging increased sales. Our strategy to digitally reflect the brands credentials aesthetically and sensitively has been achieved through core visual development, interface, navigation, functionality, usability, content management and server-side store maintenance. The site itself has been developed utilising a unique and intelligent combination of Macromedia’s Flash and generated XML residing above an Interbase and PHP media management platform.Wax also relished the opportunity to combine this redesign with a complete overhaul of the customer relationship management system. Club AP was created, allowing customers to develop a personalised information file via a secure login form, which offers benefits to both customer and client. The customer only has to fill in their details once, speeding up the ordering process, and can opt to receive company news and information on offers and promotions that are interesting and relevant to them. The client profits from a growing CRM database; this offers valuable information on the nature of Agent Provocateur customer and facilitates cross-selling, email marketing and other promotional opportunities. Online Store:Due to the intuitive design of the online store the entire product range is viewable from both front and back perspectives as well as the different colour combinations. The main carousel used within the Interactive Store has been designed to fully showcase a sector of clothing (i.e bras) in a very innovative fashion. Technical Solutions:The technical objectives that were set at the beginning of the project involved many different aspects. Bespoke e-commerce software was developed by the team at Wax to deal with the online transactions running through They were also responsible for authoring reporting documentation for tracking analysis purposes in order to be able to provide detailed and reliable information on the movement of traffic around the site and designing the information architecture as a whole. All content held within the site was developed by members of the Wax team, including a flash media gallery, authored screensavers, ‘peep show’ which is one of the most frequented sections of the site along with the integration of video clips, all of which enhance the overall web experience. To maintain full responsibility and control of the technical basis of the site, Wax also provides the hosting services. The result A sophisticated website with an air of eroticism and naughty exhibitionism that emanates the creative brand model that Agent Provocateur has built it’s name upon. The media team, including designers, technical programmers, and project management representatives were involved throughout the entirety of this project, which to Wax means deriving the complete look and feel of the site alongside the technical capabilities and set up. is distinctive in terms of digital media on several counts. One being the transferral of a chic lingerie merchant, with three boutiques in the UK and USA, to an extremely successful online retailer. But not only does allow everyone access to this high-end boutique it also provides an online experience of what Agent Provocateur the brand is all about – pure seduction.Agent Provocateur is already a winner within the realms of its online retail capabilities, as has been proven through its impressive sales statistics generated online. Underling the fact that a retail site can be developed in flash and still carry a strong fulfilment aspect.Comparative 6 month study: There has been a 67% increase in page views with more than 20,500 more page impressions. There has also been a further 24% rise in unique visits.Turnover and on-line sales: November 2001 sales have a percentage growth of 85% on November 2000 sales.

December 2001 sales have a percentage growth of 26% on December 2000 sales.January 2002 sales have a percentage growth of 164% on January 2001 sales.February 2002 sales have a percentage growth of 64% on February 2001 sales.Since the website launched at the beginning of November 2001, Agent Provocateur have experienced a 66% increase on turnover on the same date period as last year.Number of registered users: 31362Number of users opted in for the newsletter: 19478Measurement of a great idea can be valued in many different ways. Popularity and level of benefit to the marketplace and consumer being one such way. From the continuing positive press coverage, which has been on-going since the launch of the site on 5th November 2001, and general views from the public it outlines how the design of this site has allowed the average consumer a path into a trade name that is considered a celebrity brand due to its niche market status. Thus extending their marketplace without diluting their core values. The website alone has taken Agent Provocateur from a chic London boutique to a global brand known for it’s sexy image


The media team, including designers, technical programmers, and project management representatives were involved throughout the entirety of this project, which to Wax means deriving the complete look and feel of the site alongside the technical capabilities and set up.

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