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In Bulgaria, each year more and more people suffer from obesity problems. A recent research of the Ministry of Health indicates that 200,000 children are overweight and among them 65,000 are obese. The Bulgarian National Center of Public Health Protection and Analysis points as primary causes for the high level of obesity the lack of adequate nutritional knowledge, education on the benefits of healthy lifestyle and physical activities.

In order to address the growing problem with an adequate and effective solution, Nestle Bulgaria and their agency created LIVE ACTIVELY! – the biggest active lifestyle initiative in Bulgaria. Every summer thousands of people of all ages are united by the idea of having a healthy lifestyle, balanced nutrition and physical activities. LIVE ACTIVELY! became an annual nationwide campaign and since 2006, more than 140,000 spend a healthy open-air day, together with State Authorities, the biggest Bulgarian sports stars, celebrities, friends, families, and even pets.

The campaign traditionally attracts media attention and support. More than 300 pieces of media coverage were devoted to the project in 2012 alone – all of them positive and conveying the key messages of the campaign. Researches show that over 50% of the people associate Nestle with active lifestyle and the percentage is constantly growing. 41% of the respondents associate LIVE ACTIVELY! with healthy nutrition, 28% – with mass sports.

Once started as a one time event, today LIVE ACTIVELY! is Nestle Bulgaria’s flagship for nutrition, health and well-being.


The project provided a 4-month campaign, including outdoor; radio; TV; press; posters; Internet; leaflet-maps of the activities and a special book with open-air games inserted in dailies with high circulation; press releases; official letters; folio step stickers; T-shirts and hats; a Facebook fan page.

The LIVE ACTIVELY! 2012 public event took place in and around Sofia on June 24 and included: a cycling marathon across the city; a marathon with rollers and skateboards, led by the World Beatbox Champion – Skiller; a morning exercise routine and an official ceremony, endorsed by the Deputy Mayor of Sofia and the biggest Bulgarian sports stars; 1.5 km walking march to the South Park in Sofia; various sports activities, concerts, picnics, flowers planting and games on 15 locations in the Park. The second public event in Sofia on October 7 included all day sport activities for dog owners and their pets.


- Over 140 000 people up to now spent a healthy open-air day;

- Over 300 pieces of media coverage in 2012 alone – all positive and conveying the main messages of the campaign;

- Recent research indicates that over 50% of the people associate Nestle with active lifestyle;

- 41% of the respondents associate LIVE ACTIVELY! with healthy nutrition;

- Over 30 000 prizes were given, including: iPods, bicycles, sports equipment, and many more;

- Over 50 celebrities took part in the official ceremony;

- Over 40 sport stars gave lessons to the people;

- Over 20 different Nestle Bulgaria products were sampled;

- LIVE ACTIVELY! 2012 received the official public support of the biggest Bulgarian media groups and key local authorities, including: the Sofia Municipality and the Mayor of Sofia, Mrs. Yordanka Fandukova; the Sofia Directorate of Internal Affairs; the Traffic Police Directorate; many sports federations.

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