Cannes Lions



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In four months, McDonald's achieved in Argentina what was not possible in 20 years: to naturally associate their brand to the world of sports and the FIFA World Cup. In Argentina, a “soccer-lover” and “locally proud” country, being an international brand, a soccer outsider, with a "property that in the end is a commodity" (two children escort the athletes into the soccer field before the games), McDonald´s Argentina managed to become the protagonist of Brazil 2014.

How was that possible? The answer was PR strategic decisions.

Timing: PR focused its investment in the 4 months prior to the tournament.

Creativity: the selection of the children player escorts became a "reality show with the press as witnesses" where children won showing their passion, and the press raised them as little heroes.

This was possible within a series of PR activities anticipating and covering the most exciting moment of those little heroes lives: entering the soccer field hand by hand with Messi and Romero, Brazil2014 key players.

At the restaurants, a special World Cup Menu and a mobile app that interacted with a new French-fries packaging increased sales.

The campaign was a complete success: 3.725 million of impressions. In social media, 9 million impressions and over 418,000 total interactions, 76% positive. More than 15,000 children participated in the contest.

More than 350 articles were published in the media and over 700 influencers, journalists and celebrities entered a conversation about the initiative, making McDonald's clearly the brand that won FIFA World Cup 2014.


#LiveYourDream press launch on March 2014, presented a contest for kids to become player escorts. Creating a self-expression piece (video, drawings, photos) the kids showed their passion, to a jury of soccer players and sports journalists that worked as spokespersons for the press.

From 1,500 kids’ applications, 20 made to the finalists’ round at AFA facilities, where their passion was witnessed by the press. To announce the two winners, camera crews showed up at their schools and covered the astonished cheerful expressions.

Their enchanting life stories delighted the media: Gabriel, in the mounts played soccer with his animals. Yazmin with Brazilian mother and Argentinean father cheered for two classic rival nations. Not to mention when they escorted the two most important players of the team: Messi and goalkeeper Romero. At the restaurants, the press launches promoted the Cup Menu and a special App designed to interact with french-fries packaging.


1,500 kids entered the contest that selected two winners. With more than 3.725 million impressions that mentioned McDonald´s as one of the protagonists, the PR campaign amplified successfully the initiative accomplishing the goal of entering the public agenda: nobody could not acknowledge Gabriel and his passion for soccer, playing with his chickens in his yard in the mounts of Córdoba, and Yazmin with her Brazilian Argentinean parents.

Media fell for them and covered for four months the path of the little heroes, more than 350 articles where published that included the role of McDonald´s. TV networks echoed.

On social media, 418,000 interactions produced more than 9 million impressions with a 76% positive sentiment. More than 700 of influencers, journalists and celebrities joined the conversation about #LiveYourDream Campaign. The App was an interesting feature of innovation, but the menu pushed the sales increase and became a leading promotion at the stores.

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