Cannes Lions


THE SWEET SHOP, London / NIMBLE / 2014


1 Bronze Cannes Lions






It doesn't matter how much we plan, the one thing we can count on is that unexpected things will happen. And it's because unexpected happens, that Nimble offer smart little loans. This new series of TV ads take familiar unexpected situations and give them a further unexpected twist.


Directors casting notes : I wanted to try something different with this casting.

I tend to always get excited about extras, and often find myself trying to upgrade extras to more lead roles on set, which is often too late.

So I thought why not start with extras, street cast (and a few actors from agencies who have something interesting in their look) and approach it by looking for great, unique faces and then seeing if I can get the performance out of them at callback stage.

Because its going to be tougher to find the perfect interesting faces that can also give a performance that works, I'm also considering casting most of the lead roles more than once, perhaps up to 3 times, and shooting all of them, then deciding in the edit who makes the cut.

I’m also not expecting their performances to be perfect, in fact I'm happy if they are not. Even if some are kind of bad at acting, but in a funny and cool way, and I can use fast edits to cut around and enhance oddities and even use their mishaps or lack of skill for humour. Of course first and foremost I want the communication to be clear and in the spirit of the scripts, but this approach to find that extra vibe/look/tone that unique talent with natural oddities and quirks will bring so that the brand is memorable and very funny.

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