Cannes Lions


DRAFTFCB, New York / ASPCA / 2014

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Case Film
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Leveraging the ASPCA’s Meet Your Match® (a unique research-based program that evaluates an animal’s behaviour and interests, and matches it to an adopter’s preferences), we created online dating profiles based on the pet’s actual personality. We then teamed up with OkCupid so that every New York-based OkCupid user who indicated they like or love pets received a pet as a match. Users interested in learning more about their match were driven to the ASPCA’s website, where they could see extended profiles, pictures, and find out how to meet their pet match in person.


On the heels of Valentine’s Day and in honor of National Love Your Pet Day, OkCupid matched its New York members with available cats and dogs from the ASPCA. Every New York-based OkCupid user who indicated they like or love pets received animal profiles as matches.

Each pet profile on OkCupid was based on the pet’s actual personality, thanks to the ASPCA’s Meet Your Match® (a unique research-based program that evaluates an animal’s behavior and interests, and matches it to an adopter’s preferences). So just like human matches, the pet profiles highlighted what made them a perfect match.


The campaign garnered 3,881,612 impressions. Within four days of the launch, the ASPCA experienced a 95% increase in adoptions, and adoption applications increased 38% vs. the weekend before.

Best of all, 50% of the pets featured found loving homes, including Karma, a three-legged Chihuahua who was difficult to place given her medical concerns. She’s now living happily with her new family in Staten Island. And all of the increased interest in adoptions, actual adoptions, impressions, and awareness for the ASPCA were achieved without spending a dime.

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