Cannes Lions

Love Again

OGILVY BRASIL, Sao Paulo / PETZ / 2018

Presentation Image
Case Film






People do crazy things for love. Including tattooing the name of their boyfriend, girlfriend, husband and wife. But what happens when the love ends? Instead of erasing an ex's tattoo, we proposed something different, what about adopting a dog with that same name?


To create our video we did an open casting asking for people that had tatoos of former partners/spouses that they wanted to erase. We selected 20 people and invited them into a tattoo parlor telling them that if they did the testimony we would present them with an option to cover the tattoo or get something else. After the testimony we brought in a dog or cat that had the same name (with printed tag) of their tattoo and invited them to adopt the dog, rather then to cover the tattoo. The experiment became a social media video and our main PR asset.


The campaign had low media investment (around US$ 30k) for video promotion and relied heavily on shared and earned results. We had more than 25 million views - Half of that in influencers page's due to reposting - with the first five million happening in only four days. The video was shared worldwide having impacted more than 126 million people, starting a conversation with the brand with more than 1 million comments and reactions. As a result, the campaign generated U$1 million in earned media. And the PR resulted in coverage in several national and international press outlets, including TV channels. Besides that, we had an increase in 12% in adoptions on the store sites in the 2 months after the video was launched.

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