Cannes Lions

Love Bouquet


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Thai people express their love and care through flower bouquets. People treasure flower bouquets they receive from their loved ones because it means a lot to them.

With this insight, we created “Love Bouquet” shop in the center of Bangkok. Love Bouquet shop serves purposes like any other flower shops. People could come to order bouquets and we had professional florists to help them pick what to put in their bouquets and arrange them beautifully.

The only difference is, instead of using flowers to make bouquets, Love Bouquet shop used a wide selection of fresh local vegetables from Tesco Lotus. Florists suggested various combinations of vegetables that give different health benefits, for example, a bouquet made with carrot, celery and spinach is good for eyes, so it’s called: "Love at First Sight"

People could also request personalized bouquets suited to their likeness and needs.


To reach our target, we built Love Bouquet shop in one of the busiest area in Bangkok, amidst office buildings, cafes and restaurants. People were curious when they saw a new “flower shop” in the block, some people visited immediately.

The news spread quickly, in just three days, people began to line up in front of the shop.

Within a week, #lovebouquet became a trend in Thailand. People posted their bouquets, shared healthy recipes and discuss about it on online forums. Celebrities posted and shared their bouquets, TV news broadcasted about it and our florists were invited to give talks. Within a period of two months, vegetables become a trend nation wide.


Love Bouquet generated over 500,000 uploads in Instagram, Facebook, personal blogs and Twitter altogether. It appeared in reputable national TV programs such as Thai PBS, Channel 7 Morning Show and Channel 3 Talk Show. Love Bouquet became one of the most successful CSR campaigns from Tesco Lotus that helped the brand to reach their mission to build a healthier society though a healthy eating habit.

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