Cannes Lions


BUZZMAN, Paris / MATCH.COM / 2016

Presentation Image
Case Film






To launch the bold new and liberating tagline “LOVE YOUR IMPERFECTIONS”, the campaign message is: “If you don’t like your imperfections, someone else will”.

To express this big idea we needed something pedagogical to explain the benefit for consumers. It's about showing singles what imperfections can bring them while dating.?It encourages singles to feel good about their imperfections.?It demonstrates the brand’s capacity to empathise with existing and potential clients?It celebrates being single by helping change society’s expectations:

- drawing a positive portrait of Meetic singles: optimistic, confident, authentic, open-minded

- helping people accept and value their weaknesses in an optimistic way

At the end, this message celebrates imperfections through the eyes of others, so that we can accept who we are without needing to “cheat”. The tone is light and humorous to make meeting people and dating – a serious and emotive subject – seem less stressful.


First, the campaign was launched with a disruptive outdoor campaign: the Imperfect campaign. 4 visuals with imperfections:

- Visual printed in reverse

- Body copy printed in reverse

- Body copy with typing mistake

- Printed image with a call to action button.

The campaign is broadcasted on TV, cinema, radio, D-OOH, VOL, social media.

It was followed by a TV, cinema and digital launch using long formats (1min & 45’’) and social media video formats (Twitter & Facebook).

Then, the campaign was extended through product formats to highlight the value for money.

Several short TV formats were broadcasted to boost the awareness of the services (events and mobile apps), also in display, OOH and radio.

In the meantime, the communications territory celebrating the imperfections was also present on various touchpoints: adwords, Instagram, homepage, CRM, brand content, PR...


By investing on authenticity and singles empowerment, the brand has re-established its societal modernity, regained in consideration (+15%) and had a 28% registration increase (for a same GRP, compared YoY).

And the imperfections are also relevant for new members: 70% of the new members have used the imperfect box (a tool implemented to the registration form letting the members indicate their imperfections on their profile).

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