Cannes Lions

Make love. Not loud.

GREY, Dusseldorf / BARMER / 2019

Case Film
Presentation Image
Demo Film






As young people love to listen to loud music everywhere in the world, there are no specific cultural terms.


Nothing annoys teenagers more than "smart adults" who want to tell them what's right and what's wrong. Especially not when it comes to music.

Therefore, a solution was developed that works without the raised forefinger.

An interactive music video in which the user himself takes over the direction and influences the action through his listening behaviour.


Our challenge was to create live and responsive audio tracks and events which playfully harmonize content and setting, helping a younger target audience to better understand the concept of volume and hearing loss prevention in a surprising and entertaining way. We set out to create an interactive soundtrack combining dynamic music with game sound elements, resulting in a video that plays out differently each time — ensuring enormous replay value.

The choice of musical genre seemed obvious: Nothing is quite as loud as a young rock band. Prior to production, everything from the text, to the instrumentation, to the vocals and performance of the musician actors was planned as an overall concept in close collaboration with the art direction.

In order to give the music the necessary energy and credibility, all of the music was recorded live in different recording sessions to reflect the four different volume stages prior to shooting. This ensured maximum connection between the soundtrack and the events in the film and also enabled us to tackle one of the greatest challenges early on: Guaranteeing smooth audio transitions between the different volume stages, at any point of the video.

During the subsequent process of post-production, we created a sound design that plays with different levels of intensity, utilizing distortion and wind noises as well as guitar and microphone feedback, creating stark contrasts between the individual levels and boldly illustrating the various events which can be discovered in each level of volume. Through the use of an authoring middleware, a team of audio engineers implemented the various audio tracks and events like you would in a game, adding UI sounds to further increase the feeling of gamification.

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