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Unibet, one of many online gambling companies in Sweden asked us to make them stand out as a relevant online gambling company for sports lovers. They also wanted us to find relevant ways of communicating against “Svenska Spel”, the Swedish monopoly gambling company. Unibet also wanted to increase its gambling revenues from its sports bets and be able to promote a distinctive image for itself in the growing sport of MMA.

The goals were clear: Increase MMA betting by 25%, Increase football betting by 5%, create opportunities for communicating games on Facebook and increase Unibet’s games with 25%, create an activity whereof 20% registers as customers. Establish football legend Glenn Hysén as the most followed sports profile in social media, establish Alexander Gustafsson as the most followed MMA- profile in social media.

The greatest insight is that people prefer to talk to other people about sport. By using creative solutions where sports lovers were able to interact and bet together with sports personalities such as football legend Glenn Hysén and MMA-star Alexander Gustafsson, Unibet has been able to make its voice heard in an area that previously inaccessible for gambling companies.

The result was remarkable. Fans and followers have increased like wildfire. The business goals and gambling revenues have increased dramatically as a result of our work with Unibet's ambassadors. Together with Unibet, we have finally cracked the code for positive ROI with social media.


We recruited Alexander Gustafsson and leveraged our partnership with Glenn Hysén. The strategic objective was to let them integrate with their followers in a way that enabled the followers to familiarize themselves with Unibet’s betting products, through clever contests.

"Zero Right"; We created the application “Noll rätt på tipset” (Zero right on the betting pools). Instead of betting for as many rights as possible, as is the case in “Stryktipset", the monopoly holder Svenska Spels pool game, the players were encouraged to get as few rights as possible. This gave Unibet the opportunity to talk about gaming, without really mentioning it on Facebook.

“Twittipset”; Before football games and UFC-championships the ambassadors launched contests on Twitter in which players could bet on the final result.

#Mittodds; During the sport-year we created the campaign “#My odds", in which Twitter followers were able to set the odds on a game of their choice.


By working with the ambassadors in an intelligent manner, Unibet succeeded in recruiting new customers and increasing the number of bets placed. The ambassadorship in social media has cracked the code for positive ROI with social media.

The number of bets on MMA increased by 175% since Alex was introduced as an ambassador

The number of bets on football increased by 15% since the work to boost Glenn as an ambassador

The number of bets on Unibet's “Supertoto” increased by 50%

Glenn Hysén, who at the beginning of the campaign had 14,000 followers, now has over 66,000 followers, an increase of more than 400%. Glenn is currently Sweden's largest sports tweeter.

Alexander Gustaffsson, who at the beginning of the campaign had 7000 now has over 23 000 followers, an increase of more than 300%. Alex is the biggest MMA-tweeter in Sweden

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