Cannes Lions


MINDSHARE SWEDEN, Stockholm / MAZDA / 2010

Presentation Image






Delivering required us to refashion a traditional 2D advert into something more spectacular. We took the latest Mazda and modelled a 3D wire framework over the bodywork, then wrapped our 2D images around it.By matching the camera angles from the original ad, we were then able to refilm the commercial using our 3D model and two virtual stereoscopic cameras to create a truly 3D effect.Mazda’s 3D commercial was shown exclusively at Avatar screenings, when audiences would be primed to use their 3D glasses.The brand became part of the opening night, with cars in the foyer.The 3D commercial was complemented by major investment in a 2D cinema campaign as well as banner domination of ticket sites were 60% of all Swedish cinema tickets are booked. Activity also ran in cinema press.


Mazda’s advert was box office gold. We sold four cars on the opening night.The 3D execution delivered massively improved recall, up 61% on the 2D film.65% of the target audience said the message stood out – three times the norm for auto ads, which usually score just 20-21%.Mazda is now exporting our 3D strategy to other markets.

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