Cannes Lions


BITONE, Beijing / MAZDA / 2015

Case Film
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1.Solve the holographic projection technology seldom applied in the automotive industry, and provide a broader application possibilities for existing technologies.

2.Based on existing technical improvement.

3.In principle, this technique is not complicated?It is used of translucent reflective media reversal image screen content, showing picture suspended in space, thus creating an impressive display of results.This is a very open technology, a lot of teams have research and development to improve on this principle, we are one of them. So in theory there is no technology stack controller.

4.The next stage, we plan to add interactive features in the holographic projection technology: the use of Z-depth camera recognition space gesture instruction, with real-time rendering engine to achieve new interactive experience.

5.No, our team is using our own resources for research and development.


1.Long-term goals and direction of development is the integration of technology and interactive features to create a superior interactive display devices. Now the technology is not expected to direct sales, but for the customer needs to provide customized services.

2.We have successfully improved the technology, and introduced into the automotive industry. We hope that more Chinese auto companies can use this technique to achieve better advertising spread.

3.Mazda holographic projection attracts a large number of audience stop to watch, the number of audiences more than 50000 people, and the display effect is very perfect.

4.Our first time research holographic projection in 2013, and applied to the automotive sector in 2014, and in 2015 we expect to join the interactive features in holographic projection.

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