Cannes Lions


CARMICHAEL LYNCH, Minneapolis / SUBARU / 2018

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Case Film






Create a digital platform introducing owners’ stories to millennial prospects in a transparent way: let them talk to each other directly without the brand interfering.


We created an online platform for our loyal owners to showcase and share why they love their Subaru vehicles with interested shoppers.

The site facilitated connections between Subaru owners and non-owners, allowing potential buyers to friend, follow or talk to real Subaru owners through a variety of digital platforms. Potential customers could virtually meet Subaru owners through user-generated content or even chat live on the site.

Subaru fostered introductions through distributed content in lifestyle and automotive shopping sites such as, live chat in these automotive shopping sites, social, plus Pandora and Spotify music partnerships. Prospects who engaged beyond the introduction were sent to Authenticity and transparency were key, so Subaru got out of the way. Subaru’s role was simply matchmaker, not seller.

If a prospect was interested in learning more, they could locate a Subaru retailer (dealer), continue shopping online or seek additional connections with additional owners.


Subaru generated over 92 million new introductions to the brand, created a 514% lift in preference to recommendations and provided an online, content-based shopping tool.

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