Cannes Lions
Buscofem is a menstrual pain medication, and it was always known as the go-to choice for brazilian women. But the thing is, women are not the only ones suffering for menstruation related consequences: transgender men, people who transitioned but still have female organs, also menstruate. The client wanted us to reach these men, so it could further expand its presence, especially on retail and social. Our objective was to change perception from a woman-only brand to a gender-aware friend.
When transgender men menstruate, they still had to use a regular woman pad and their briefs on top of it. For them, it's a humiliating and psychologically difficult moment, one they have to deal with every month. As a pain relieving brand, we wanted to do something to help. So we designed Menstrual: a period pad shaped like a men's briefs, designed for the male body. It's a way for them to address their menstrual necessities without being reminded of their female bodies through products that have only women in mind.
We wanted to reach specifically transgender men - women that transitioned to men but still keep their female organs - and expand our reach within that target on social media. For that, we used influencers and gave them the product for review as soon as it launched.
Product development took one month, done in December. The launch was planned on January 29th, the national day for transgender awareness. The product was launched on Brazil's biggest drugstore chain and was available for purchase along with a pack of Buscofem. It was launched in the city of São Paulo first.
• 1.1 in earned media on launch day
• 1.35 million social impacts on launch day
We got an amazing reaction from the transgender community, a target that we had no previous engagement with. We were mainly perceived as a female-only brand.
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