Cannes Lions

Mercy for Animals, first slaughterhouses investigation in México.


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Basically, shock the world, creating so much noise that the federal government, the very owners of the slaughterhouses, would be forced to create and comply with real laws and regulations in their profitable businesses.

This required a great deal of hours invested, talking to media, relying on past relationships, all to evoke an unprecedented response of faith and goodwill of many important national and international newspapers and reporters. The audience was exposed to the harsh reality, empathising with the suffering of the animals, as they witnessed the brutal torture before painfully dying smothered in their own blood. The outcry propelled public figures to further the humanitarian voice of the project, joining the campaign without a paid fee.

We coordinated all efforts in order to amplify these voices, not making it a tabloid sensation, but rather a real movement for change.


Nov 27 8pm: We were given access to the report/footage.

Nov 29 2pm: Reforma released a video that went viral immediately and the signatures in grew quickly.

5pm: Carmen Aristegui, 1 of the most important journalist, also published the investigation, and in less than 8 hours, the footage was seen by more than 10,000 people.

Nov 30: Press conference with media, along with 1 on 1 interviews with the spokesperson.

11:00am: 7 influencers made it a trending topic on Twitter, with an audience of over 409,000 people.

Dec 7: Press release of 2nd video footage, with the investigators, increasing media exposure and signatures.

Dec 14: 3rd video release, accompanied by Eugenio Derbez and other public figures calling out through Twitter and Facebook to sign the petition.

Feb 21: 7 legislators of 4 different parties presented a bill that would make animal slaughter without proper anesthesia a crime.


Media outputs were our leverage to create awareness and a demand of the general public in order to change the way an industry worked.

The world was outraged by the explicit footage that the investigation revealed on the media coverage and, for the first time in decades, Mexicans came together demanding a change from the Federal government in the laws that protect animals. The investigation became a trending topic in Twitter, 150 news outlets picked up the story. We passed our goal of 50,000 signatures reaching 300,000 within a 3 weeks time. It forced an action: 7 legislators of 4 different political parties requested the passing of a bill that would make animal slaughter without proper anesthesia a crime.

After the campaign, we positioned ourselves as one of the main animal rights associations in the continent, opening our first office in Mexico and Latin America to continue investigating on animal rights and their circumstances around the country, having an exponential growth of 800% in the number of our employees in Mexico.

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