Cannes Lions


TBWA\G1, Paris / NISSAN / 2014

Case Film






A senior executive attempts a Skype call with a employee. But he is having a really hard time as the call breaks all the time and she can't manage to finish a single sentence. The call jumps and freezes and is bad all around. The boss couldn't be more frustrated, so he decides it's better to try it again the next day. Then we have a look at the employee's side of the call and find out that she's actually faking the glitch all along. The call finishes and then she can finally enjoy the sun beside the pool where she's calling from. We cut to the panel inside a Nissan Micra where we see images of the weather forecast and voice over suggests that we use that to plan our day better. We finish with the car driving down a street and the line 'The new Nissan Micra. Go get it.'


The portrayal of women in advertising is a collection of secondary roles and stereotypes. So when the opportunity to do something about it presents itself, you have to take it. For this campaign we wanted to make a statement. And having a fresh approach to casting was essential. We wanted our women to be real, relatable, strong, smart, funny... And to be able to act on top of everything else. Quite a big challenge for such a small campaign. After rounds and rounds of auditions, we manage to find our leading ladies. And they lead us to a light hearted and clever way to tell the stories. Well... it may be just one step. But it's a step taking us in the right direction.

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