Cannes Lions

Midnight Sun recommended by a real Swedish criminal

MORTIERBRIGADE, Brussels / VRT / 2017

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Case Film
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So instead of making a traditional trailer using the show's footage, we shot a short documentary about an expert in Swedish crime: a real Sewedish criminal; Johhny "Puma" Höglin.

No actor. No script. The real deal.

Because who better to judhe a new crime series than a real criminal?


The result was an intriguing portrait of a criminal who recognizes elements from his own past in 'Midnight Sun'. And who gives his compliments to the makers. Signed off with: 'Midnight Sun. The new Swedish crimi, recommended by Swedish criminals.'


The documentary caused quite some controversy, and was coverd extensively in Belgian newspapers, even making the front page of De Standaard. It also generated a lot of buzz on social media, in Belgium and abroad, and even in.. Sweden.

Where it got the attention of the man begin Midnight Sund and The Bridge: Björn Stein himself. Giving his compliments to the makers..

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