Cannes Lions


DRAFT, Chicago / MILK PEP / 2005

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We created a breakthrough platform to get women to notice, consider, and purchase the product, one that became the foundation for all of the client’s marketing communications, including general advertising and PR. "24 ounces in 24 hours. Milk Your Diet, Lose Weight!" became the basis for milk's dialogue with consumers across all marketing disciplines based on proprietary studies of dieters. To activate consumers, we created, which enhanced the message's credibility and included an online sweepstakes for a chance to win one of 24 Volkswagen Beetle Convertibles. We also created the 24/24 Weight Loss Guide, including editorial copy from Shape magazine, featured at innovative POS to pay off the 24/24 promise at retail.


Participation among retailers rose 17% over Fall ’03 promotion; we distributed over 4 million 24/24 Weight Loss Guides to raise awareness of the milk weight loss message. (Mosaic) MilkPEP's first consumer tracking study on its weight-loss messaging found 56% of adult females aged 18-49 are already aware of the milk/weight-loss connection. (MilkPEP)Dr Phil ad alone inspired 40 million impressions; PR and grass-roots generated nearly 327 million media impressions.

Actual fluid milk sales in the second quarter of 2004 were 1.5% higher than forecasts, despite unprecedented price increases during that time. (MilkPEP)

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