Cannes Lions

Milk Matters

CHOBANI, New York / CHOBANI / 2020

Presentation Image
Case Film







Chobani is an American yogurt manufacturer. Its story began in a small dairy community in Upstate New York that it helped revive from near collapse. Ten years later, it continues to prioritize sustainable communities, sustainable manufacturing practices, and sustainable lifestyles.


How can a yogurt company help save the dairy farm industry?


Generate a solution of deep impact that can save dairy farming in America by modernizing it by addressing these issues:

- Dairy farming’s environmental sustainability

- Financial sustainability of dairy farms

- Health and longevity of dairy communities


Create “Milk Matters”—the first holistic, industry certification program helps dairy farmers achieve economic, environmental, animal, and worker wellbeing.


AUDIENCE: Dairy Industry

Who: Dairy farmers and dairy manufacturers

Why: These would be the people directly affected by the solution

INSIGHT: The dairy farm industry needed a holistic, farm-level solution that consumers could understand.

For a year, Chobani listened to farmers, farmworkers, elected officials, experts, and consumers.

On the industry side, we learned that existing solutions are scattershot and address singular issues. There is no solution that holistically addresses the knot of issues or goes far enough to provide real relief. What is more troubling, many popular consumer facing programs—such as the Non-GMO Project, Organic certifications—mislead consumers or are financially devastating for farmers.1, 2

On the consumer side, consumers ask simple questions that require complex answers.3 How was the environment considered? How well are farmer workers treated? Is dairy unhealthy? Isn’t organic milk good for farmers? Aren’t GMOs bad? How are the cows cared for?



The pillars of the Milk Matters program address the farmers most challenging issues:

1. Environmental Stewardship

2. Worker Wellbeing

3. Animal Care

4. Farm Investment

5. Economic Opportunity


To ensure topicality, we chose to launch during Dairy Month.

To announce Milk Matters, we secured in-depth coverage from Michael Corkery at The New York Times.

To make it tangible to consumers, we launch a specially designed Milk Matters yogurt product—the proceeds from which went towards investments in the farms and farming communities.

To sustain the story in the industry after the announcement news cycle ended, Chobani CEO and Fair Trade USA CEO Paul Rice spoke about Milk Matters at high-profile industry events.

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