Cannes Lions

Missing Characters


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Around 40.000 children go missing every year in Brazil. There are thousands of families with stories that are interrupted because of their child's absence.

Livraria Cultura, one of the largest bookshops in Brazil, in partnership with Maes da Se, a NGO that aids in the search of missing children, created an activation to help finding them.


We removed the main character on the covers of famous children and young adult books, calling attention to the real protagonists that need the most visibility at this time.


We displayed the books for sale in a specific area inside one of the biggest bookshops of Livraria Cultura. As people opened the books they were caught by surprise with the pictures of missing children shown inside the dust jacket. For each book sold, a new hopeful chapter was being written for the families. People started spreading the word about that, as well as the media did.


We displayed the books for sale in a specific area inside one of the biggest bookshops of Livraria Cultura. As people opened the books they were caught by surprise with the pictures of missing children shown inside the dust jacket. For each book sold, a new hopeful chapter was being written for the families.

. Digital Books: The books were on Instagram Stories and while the users tried to read it, they were caught by surprise as the main character went missing.

. Youtube in-stream Ads: Book review videos on YouTube were interrupted with videos from the campaign showing that families had also had their stories disrupted.

. Hotsite: The campaign's website displayed more information about the cause and encouraged people to help the NGO.

. Special Edition Box: A special edition box of the Missing Characters was sent to influencers that helped promote the campaign on social media.


We displayed the books for sale in a specific area inside one of the biggest bookshops of Livraria Cultura. As people opened the books they were caught by surprise with the pictures of missing children shown inside the dust jacket. For each book sold, a new hopeful chapter was being written for the families.

. Digital Books: The books were on Instagram Stories and while the users tried to read it, they were caught by surprise as the main character went missing.

. Youtube in-stream Ads: Book review videos on YouTube were interrupted with videos from the campaign showing that families had also had their stories disrupted.

. Hotsite: The campaign's website displayed more information about the cause and encouraged people to help the NGO.

. Special Edition Box: A special edition box of the Missing Characters was sent to influencers that helped promote the campaign on social media.

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