Cannes Lions


NEWSTYLE, Sao Paulo / MAES DA SE NGO / 2015

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Case Film
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Every 45 minutes 22 people disappear in Brazil. It’s like two soccer teams disappeared during the first half of the game. In 2014, Brazil hosted the World Cup. And together with the event, a craze returned to Brazil: World Cup collectible sticker album. The craze took over the streets, parks, offices… Entire families engaged to complete the soccer album and look for the stickers of Neymar, Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo. Meanwhile, other families where searching for stickers of Wesley, Larissa, and Edson in order to complete a family album. We created the stickers of missing people.


We created the stickers of missing people, first sticker collection with pictures of children, youngsters and adults who disappeared from their families. We distributed the stickers in points where thousands of people gathered to exchange World Cup stickers and complete their albums. In order to make the action gain strength, we distributed the Missing Stickers in partnership with Metro newspaper in points of great circulation in the city of São Paulo, instructing people to place them in locations of great circulation.


We found a relevant way to get the attention to the drama of thousands of families who have missing relatives, during the World Cup. With the campaign, we managed to get the faces seen on open TV, news reports, websites and social networks. Each pack of Missing Stickers had 5 chromes. We produced 10 thousand packs. The missing people had 50 thousand chances of being seen and recognized. And the most important: giving hope to many families to complete their albums.

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