Cannes Lions


AGÊNCIA TUDO, Sao Paulo / YAHOO / 2011

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Yahoo decided to promote the use of bicycles as an alternative means of transportation on the World Carfree Day. To do that, we created a mobile application that offered users a new way to ride their bikes. The action also included a night ride with 300 cyclists, online media coverage, newsletters, an event with bloggers and opinion leaders, donation of bike racks to the city and PR coverage.

In addition, Yahoo! joined another brand in a social media and cross-branded action that led to the production of a limited series of bicycles dubbed Houston Yahoo! Social Bike. All this was broadcast through a dedicated content channel on Yahoo! and generated an impact that was much bigger than expected.


The agency decided to take advantage of World Carfree Day on September 22 to spread the word about the campaign. In order to do that, it invited opinion leaders involved with cycling and technology to a breakfast a few days before the WCD. A content channel about the topic was also published on YAHOO!; it called the attention of bike enthusiasts and encouraged common people to start pedalling. On September 22, YAHOO! promoted a “bike night” exclusively for 300 beta testers. The action was widely covered by the press and featured on social media networks. The content channel kept going on even after September 22; it eventually became a source of information for all Brazilians who wish to trade their cars for bikes. There were more than 1,300 quotes about the event on the press, which shows how big of an impact it caused in the whole country.


- Among the 25 top apps in the "Social Networking" category of the Apple Store.- A video tutorial for the Social Bike app reached first place in the tech category on YouTube.- 251,367 unique visitors to the channel in one month.- 1,300 quotes from the press, including 80 newspaper articles and more than 1,200 tweets.- More than 1,500 downloads of the Social Bike iPhone app.- 52,000 clicks on the campaign banner and on the sponsored search campaign.- 149,000 clicks on editorial news (200% more than average).

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