Cannes Lions


Y&R, Moscow / DISLIFE / 2015


1 Silver Cannes Lions
2 Bronze Cannes Lions
2 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
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Case Film
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More than 30% of non-disabled drivers in Russia ignore identification signs and take parking spaces reserved for people with disabilities, creating lots of problems for them.

The truth is that the signs on the ground mean nothing for the drivers. They always forget about the people behind these signs. That’s why the non-profit organization Dislife which stands for rights of the disabled in Russia set the goal to get disabled people noticed. We turned the disabled parking signs into hologram projections of real disabled people in shopping malls and business centers in Moscow. If a non-disabled driver tried to take the disabled parking space, the projection appeared reminding that the flat signs are more than they seem to be. The interactive communication of drivers and the holograms were filmed on hidden cameras and became a part of an online-video. The strength of the creative solution is about humanizing an aseptic sign, what helped us to awake the sensitivity even of the most impolite drivers. Hundreds of sent press-releases did their job. Millions of Russians became aware of disabled people rights. The project that had started offline provoked discussions in all types of media all over the country.


Common hologram technologies require a firm surface for projecting an image on it. What was complete inappropriate in our case. First of all, it could lead to harmful consequences for the drivers. On the other hand, we needed to leave opportunity for the disabled drivers park their cars. After the technology had been found the activation was launched. The equipment installed on disabled parking spaces was able to instantly project a holographic image on a thin air screen saturated with water dispersion, invisible to human eyes. Hidden cams verified the presence of a disabled sticker on windshields of an approaching car. If the sticker wasn’t detected the projection of a real disabled person appeared in front of the driver who didn’t respect the parking law. Through a real-time dialogue the projection persuaded drivers to find another place to park. The activation took place on underground parking spaces of shopping malls and business centers in Moscow, including the largest mall in Europe. The interactive communication of drivers and the holograms was filmed on hidden cams and had become a part of an online-video.


The whole world talked about the project, in social media, print, online press and on TV, including the Channel One, the most popular channel in Russia. It also inspired a petition to increase punishment for incorrect parking, which was sent to the Russian Government. Incredibly, during the period of the activation no driver broke the parking rules. Given the positive impact of the project, other business centers and shopping malls are interested in joining the cause.

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