Cannes Lions

Move Beyond Memories


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Case Film






Cathay Pacific sought to bring the concept of "Move Beyond", which they had been working on for some time, to life through an experiential action that would garner PR. The main focus was to reintroduce the brand, communicating that they were back in the market after being absent for several years during the pandemic. Their main objectives were: to increase brand awareness of Cathay Pacific in Spain, to increase consideration of Cathay Pacific as the airline operating from Spain to Asia and the southwest Pacific, and to increase the number of members to Cathay.


We travel to remember it. The world is full of incredible places we return from with memories that will last forever. But, is it possible to remember a trip you haven't taken? We did.

We decided to break the category and turn it around. And again. And once more. And we managed to remember moments before they happened. It seems crazy, but like any great journey, it is. According to each participant's preferences, in real time, we generated memories of a trip they hadn't taken through generative AI. We wanted the fundamental value of this idea to be to make them feel the essence of those dreamed destinations without even setting foot in them. And we succeeded.


They were targeting two targets: On one hand, the Millennials, that audience willing to travel long distances and experience new cultures but, being a high-priced airline, it is not usually among their options. We needed an idea to approach them from a differential point of view. This generation is highly familiar with the use of technological devices, so an initiative like Move Beyond Memories, which integrates AI and advanced technology, would be especially appealing to them and would position us as a modern brand in an increasingly digitized market. On the other hand, they were also targeting an older audience, an audience that looks for security and confidence in the brands they choose. Therefore, being able to visualize themselves directly in specific destinations before making the trip, would provide them with that sense of security, certainty about what they could expect, and confidence in their decision to travel with us.


The experience took place over two days during the December vacation in Spain, a choice made to take advantage of a national holiday to ensure the availability of our target audience and a greater influx of people in the city. The location was Madrid, a city that, even more so during the chosen dates, guaranteed us a wider scope, reaching not only the local population but also all those who were visiting the city during these holidays. The experience was held in a space located on one of the busiest streets, with the aim of prioritizing visibility, accessibility, and, above all, audience participation just by passing by. Additionally, visibly communicating from the shop windows that it was a personalized experience allowed us to attract both target audiences, regardless of age, knowledge of technology, or previous travel experience.


Our campaign achieved a total coverage of 3.3 million impressions and a total reach of 2.8 million people organically, significantly influencing the consumer's perception of brand quality, leading them to choose Cathay Pacific over competitors for flights to Asia and the Pacific.

We attained a 98% positive mention rate, indicating an overwhelmingly favorable response from the audience and a strong brand perception.

Furthermore, we saw a 209% increase in web registrations and an impressive 166% rise in conversion rate, demonstrating not only an increase in site traffic but also a positive change in consumer behavior compared to previous years in the inquiry and booking process.

Finally, as a result of our campaign, we experienced a 22.1% increase in sales, reflecting the success of our strategy in not only boosting brand awareness but also driving significant sales conversion.

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