Cannes Lions



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Case Film
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In the village of Burashevo the only kindergarten has been closed down. The children's parents were faced with a dilemma - either give up work and stay home with children, or campaign for a new kindergarten to be built. There was not enough money in the local budget for this however. We suggested making the leaders of the country and the region aware of the problem of the children left alone without adult supervision. They were the only ones who would be able to resolve the issue of funding the construction of a new kindergarten.

It was important for us to attract the highest level authorities' attention to our ad. Decision depended on 1-2 people - leaders of the country or the region. So we created an eye-catching image, invented the slogan "Game over?" and made a billboard. We put it on the highway where the officials often travelled in government limousines. And our idea has worked!

Within 2 months a decision was taken to allocate money to build a new kindergarten and it was completed in record time. One single billboard, placed along the highway for one month, helped 120 children to grow up healthy, happy and full of joy. The children were given a second home and their parents were given the confidence and the opportunity to work without worry.


It was important for us to attract the highest level authorities' attention to our ad. Decision depended on 1-2 people - leaders of the country and the region. We created an eye-catching image, invented the slogan 'Game over?' and made a billboard. We put it on the highway where the officials often travelled in government limousines. And our idea has worked!


Within 2 months a decision was taken to allocate money to build a new kindergarden and it was completed in few months. One single billboard helped 120 children to grow up healthy, happy and full of joy. The children were given a second home and their parents were given the confidence and the opportunity to work without worry.

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