Cannes Lions

New stereotypes available



4 Bronze Cannes Lions
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At Shutterstock we believe in the power of images. And being a tool of creative professionals from all backgrounds and businesses, we believe that if we change, then the whole world, through the work of these creative professionals, will follow. So, gender representation in our images is a vital part of gender representation in the world. Accountability, courage and selflessness are a few of the values that represent us, so this idea is at the core of what we are.


All stereotypes start with a search. You search boss and get a picture of a man, standing defiantly. You search love, and get heterosexual love. You search masculinity, and you only get muscular men doing sports. At Offset we believe that the only way to knock down old stereotypes is to create new ones. That's why we created new categories that are more representative of the world we live in. Now if you search boss, you get men or women, standing defiantly. If you search love, you get all kinds of love. And if you search masculinity, you also get a father lovingly helping a daughter with her homework.


Our target audience were the same creative professionals that use our images and videos everyday. Stereotypes start with their works, and it's in their power to improve it in order to improve the world. We believe creativity is a key tool in making the world a better place, so giving the creative professionals better tools themselves was our main objective. That's the main strategy behind our idea.


We created new image categories that better represented the world we live in, and gave them the central spot in our platform. We have customers in 150+ countries and our site is in 21 languages. Making gender representative images available to all of them was our priority. We also notified all of our customers of these new images through a mailing, inviting them to use these new categories in all their new endeavours. These categories still remain to these days, available to everyone.


Site traffic 350k visits, 35% increase in those entering the Offset site. 20% in increase in image sales compared to previous month. The campaign spread on several marketing and advertising websites, raising impact on our target.

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