Cannes Lions


DM9DDB, Sao Paulo / OBRA DO BERCO / 2014

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Presentation Image
Case Film






A new portal called “Donate Your View” ( was created. All the exclusive videos were uploaded in this platform and can be viewed and shared from there. On the website you have access to all the information about the project, how it works, where the money comes from and where it goes to. Important celebrities who joined the project are listed as “friends of the idea”. DonateYourView is now becoming a label of both credibility and visibility to help other NGOs in Brazil and abroad.


Celebrities joined. The campaign is still running and in only 2 months we have more than 4 million views and 53 million people were impacted, in more than 50 countries* (source: Boobox/Google Analytics). All this is converting into food, clothes, education for these children. It started as a project for Obra do Berço but with the visibility and success it instantly caught the attention of other NGOs in Brazil. An idea for a video originated from an advertising briefing is now on the process of becoming a startup company. An online platform for donations to different NGOs nationwide and abroad.

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