Cannes Lions


OGILVY TAIWAN, Taipei City / PXMART / 2021

Case Film






Every year in high summer, Taiwanese people prepare food offerings for the wandering spirits. It’s a great cultural tradition, and also an important sales opportunity.

Offering food during Hungry Ghost Festival is like treating the ghosts to a meal and making friends with them. This tradition is a unique cultural expression of respect for the departed, selfless concern, and finding joy in sharing with others.

Yet compared to the older generation, who are very familiar with this custom, the younger generation doesn’t understand the concept of ghosts and has a hard time imagining these invisible souls they are supposed to pay homage to. This has led to apathy, even fear, and unwillingness to take part. Getting young people to understand the spirit of Hungry Ghost Festival, and also participate, was a vital mission.


We believed that convincing the young generation to willingly participate in Hungry Ghost Festival meant helping them understand ghosts, get to know them, even see them as friends.

So we decided to have ghosts and young people start a conversation!

In a series of videos, three of the most iconic types of ghosts in Taiwanese culture served as our talent: the Lady in Red, the Water Spirit, and the Goblin. . They engaged with young people in a series of touching dialogues, the PX Mart “Talk of the Century,” where “the Living Meet the Departed.”

From taboos, to a philosophy for living, to the meaning of existence, to self-identity, we covered it all.

On the day the Gates of the Underworld opened, 12 ghosts opened social media accounts, and they kept chatting with fans online throughout the whole festival season!


Every year in high summer, Taiwanese people offer food to the wandering spirits. It’s a great cultural tradition, and also an important sales opportunity.

Yet compared to the older generation, who are very familiar with this custom, the younger generation doesn’t understand the concept of ghosts and has a hard time imagining these invisible souls they are supposed to pay homage to. This has led to apathy, even fear, and unwillingness to take part.

So we recruited several traditional Taiwanese ghosts to be our talents. They engaged with young people, and through this process, they helped them understand ghosts, get to know them, even see them as friends. Moreover, they motivated young people to take part in Hungry Ghost Festival on their own initiative.


In a series of videos, three of the most iconic Taiwanese ghosts – the Goblin, the Water Spirit, and the Lady in Red – served as talent, engaging with young people in touching dialogues.From taboos, to a philosophy for living, to self-identity, we covered it all. We also created social media accounts for each ghost, who kept chatting with people throughout the festival season!

They also posted foodie photos of the offerings they received. Each one was a great example for Hungry Ghost Festival, and we stealthily inserted PX Mart products into the pictures.

We also formed an online foodie group, so fans could share their own delicious offerings. Ghosts even placed orders on it.

In one month, 12 ghosts engaged with young people through videos and social media, helping them understand the Festival and convincing them to join in. Of course, it boosted PX Mart’s sales too!


After the videos went online, PX Mart sales grew by 7% during Hungry Ghost Festival. Clickthroughs surpassed 3.5 million, with nearly 1 million shares and 14 unsolicited media reports, for a PR value of over 3 million.

From commercial films to social media engagement, young people’s attitudes toward ghosts went from “Stay Away” to “Nice to meet you!”

The PX Mart “Talk of the Century” made Hungry Ghost Festival not just a custom, but a platform for friendship between the living and the departed.

And we successfully convinced young people to join the ranks of Ghost Festival celebrants! They even started anticipating the arrival of the next Hungry Ghost season!

3,559,474 clickthroughs


11,944 total friends of ghosts

44,333 engagements

8.5 billion in sales, a 7% increase, for Pxmart

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