Cannes Lions

Nicotex #UQuitIQuit

MSIX, Mumbai / CIPLA / 2016

Case Film
Supporting Content
Supporting Content






The world is full of examples of great sacrifice, where people have quit something dear to help another achieve greatness. Quitting is a lonely journey, but becomes easier when there is somebody. This inspired a unique campaign #UQuitIQuit. The solitary act of quitting smoking was made “social” through the #UQuitIQuit movement wherein a loved one joined in the quitting journey. A loved one would pledge to quit any bad habit and in turn, the other would quit smoking.

By signing up India’s ex football captain, an Olympic medalist, an ace photographer, a renowned cancer survivor and film celebrities, we got the Indian Super League (ISL) – the premier soccer league in India, (cumulative TV audience of 140 million) to coopt the cause as Quit Smoking Partner. The celebrities created a social movement at scale on TV and digital; and supported by continuous content seeding on national TV news and radio.


For ISL, our KPI was conversations. The 2.5 month window of ISL gave us the width and scale to create sustained impact. To drive conversations, we signed up celebrities which included an ex India football captain, an Olympic medalist, a cancer survivor and leading film stars. These celebrities appeared on live pre match telecasts, aggressively posted messages on their social profiles. Native platforms and influencers were strategically used to fuel conversations, with the brand seeding relevant content continuously.

To supplement, we tied up with a leading national news channel for 15 days - NewsX, which created content around the journey of quitting at a pan-India level; bringing surround relevance to this. Surround was built through a tie-up with a leading radio station with a 5 market footprint.The station co-opted the cause, with RJ’s driving consumers to pledge support for the movement, and then tracking this through testimonials.


• Sponsorship on-air reached an audience of 140 Million

• Digital campaign reach of 11.4 million

• 72,400 conversations around #UQuitIQuit during ISL

• 100+ videos created with the 8 Ambassadors for social media dissemination

• Nicotex sales up 100%

• TOM Awareness: 60%, total awareness at 80%+

• 33% name Nicotex Most Used Brand

• Nicotex has aided 500,000 Indians QUIT smoking

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