Cannes Lions

No BS about HS

PUBLICIS, New York / ABBVIE / 2017

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Case Film






No BS About HS is a bold rallying cry of what the HS patient wants: shatter bogus stories, unmask bad solutions, and stop blaming self.

“BS” acknowledges their extremely frustrating experience of being mistreated and shamed for emotionally and physically devastating symptoms. It’s BS to have HS, to be stigmatized, to be blamed. When it comes to HS, BS means so much more than you might think.

NO BS ABOUT HS is a statement of VINDICATION AND EMPOWERMENT, giving voice to an audience that had been blamed, shamed and alone in their struggle.

NO BS ABOUT HS is the creative platform for real patients to break the myths and silence surrounding HS. It lets sufferers know they are not alone. By bringing relevant and authentic stories to life, patients can find hope in better understanding their condition and being able to say to the world, HS IS NOT MY FAULT!


We knew that our audience’s quest for information lived online. A digital campaign hub was essential to satisfy their thirst for information.

Given our audience size, we needed to be efficient in reaching them with our No BS message. Using look-alike modeling, we were able to select platforms that maximized the potential for reaching them across both health and non-endemic sites.

Internet radio is highly consumed among our target; Pandora became the key channel for delivering our story. engaged visitors immediately with a symptom quiz, whose answers might suggest HS as a possible explanation for baffling symptoms. This led them to explore the content more deeply, including opting in for more information and finding a dermatologist that specializes in HS.

The conversation continued with emails and direct mail. CRM was critical for fostering a relationship based on understanding, education and empathy, delivering the much-needed sense of vindication and advocacy.

Outcome has succeeded in quickly reigniting information-seeking and in becoming THE go-to HS resource.

•Organic category search has tripled since the campaign launch.

•In its first week with just search and standard banners, had nearly as many visitors as, a condition with 35x the prevalence of HS!

•In just 10 weeks Pandora radio drove over 260,000 visitors, with 90% of them taking the symptom quiz

•Engaged visitors spent 5+ minutes on the site

The site significantly outperforms AbbVie benchmarks:

•Nearly double average time spent

•150% more pages viewed

•Highest organic traffic - 40%-57%

CRM Metrics

•Open and engagement rates greater than 30%, easily surpassing internal success benchmarks.

Most importantly, we are helping HS patients find answers, empowering them to shed the blame and social isolation that has plagued them.

“Hello, Abbvie! Thank you for creating the ‘NoBSaboutHS’ website!”

“Was listening to Pandora…Finally, HS is being talked about.”

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