Cannes Lions

Not Mere Earth

140 JOURNOS, Istanbul / LAYS / 2023

Presentation Image
Case Film







1. Farming is culturally perceived as a masculine business.

2. Farming is executed usually from old-school methods. Sustainable ways are not easily adopted for a more efficient farming practice.

Lay’s decided to talk about what the brand has been doing so far and create awareness on sustainability and women in farming from the eyes of Lay’s.

So, we aimed to make farming popular again and inspire people to investigate this line of work for a sustainable future.


We aimed to inspire people and show them that farming is not an old peasant man’s job. Including various Lay’s farmers in the story we mainly focused in one particular persona, a female farmer who changed farming in years with her vision and passion, setting an example to everybody in her community, whom we positioned as a role model for young female farmers.


As much as we appreciate farmers’ know-how about farming and the soil and the crops, urban people tend to see them as peasants. Same perception is also valid in the rural areas. Young people wish to go live in big cities where everything is more vibrant and contemporary. But because of wrong or old school farming practices and food shortages, this line of work needs to become more popular and important again. So we needed to show people that there are actually very educated, aware people who are farmers today. They apply newest technologies with the help brands like Lay’s, they get the proper educations and teach their own communities making sustainable farming a economical resource for all. Thus hopefully making the whole thing popular and worthy for young people to consider a future plan.


The film is about farming in Turkey. It tells a true story about a female landowner and farmer Mrs Ayten who is a role model for potential new farmers. It talks about her experience as a farmer and how she came back to take over her father’s farm after his sudden death in 1970s. Farming was very much a male-dominated industry and in this area in Turkey women were not seen as equal to men, not even 2nd place but more 3rd or 4th place. This film tells Mrs Ayten's story and how she overcame these hurdles to carry on her father legacy. Being surrounded by men she did not try to act like a man but used her femininity as her strength. She's a respected farmer who inspires by highlighting abundant farming lands and the importance of earth for our future.


People were inspired. The youtube video was viewed by over 30K views in 24 hours. Over 500 positive and inspired comments. Brand metrics increased.

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