Cannes Lions


ZENITH MEDIA, New York / NESTLE / 2011

Presentation Image






We created the Nestlé Health and Wellness channel on HULU, the first (and only) branded front page content channel on HULU, that allowed Nestlé to offer exclusive content to consumers who were actively seeking NH&W video content. This was the critical interface for millions of Nestlé customers. The company’s sponsorship message brought exclusively to consumers by Nestlé, ‘Good Food, Good Life’ would run for every viewer in the top right hand corner of the landing page. Additionally, a customized brand would appear as one of the content panels directly below it, linking the Health and Wellness Channel to one of Nestlé’s participating brands. The aim for the corporate message developed jointly by HULU, and Nestlé was to clearly articulate the NH&W features of Nestlé’s brands in shopping environments, while making it clear they all came from Nestlé. The look and feel of the execution mirrored Nestlé’s corporate logo and palette.


The H&W Channel was a first for both Nestlé and HULU. In the first six months, all goals increased:- Nestlé brand recall: HULU 46%/Primetime TV 24%/Cable TV 19%(Source: IAG Research) - Nestlé brand likeability: HULU 34%/Primetime TV 12%/Cable TV 10%-“Nestlé is dedicated to products that support health and wellness” +18.3% vs. control group from 21.5% to 39.8%-“Nestlé creates healthier food for healthier families” +17.8% vs. control group from 22.0% to 39.8%-“Has a new attitude on healthier eating” +21.7% vs. control group from 23.9 % to 45.6%(Source: Insight Express)

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