Cannes Lions



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With Pepsico still holding the number two spot in the energy drink category, they wanted to top the number one energy drink in the country, Cobra Energy Drink.

The issue of Manny Pacquiao’s alleged use of performance enhancing drugs resurface was used to cause a commotion; the public was enraged as expected. The vague #PacquiaoPositive hashtag trended online in a matter of hours, causing many a speculation. News programs took notice as the controversy took a turn for the worse, accompanied by speculative articles online and on print.

To temper the chaos, Pacquiao was asked to reply to the issue. A television commercial simultaneously played during various showbiz programs in different local networks, showing Pacquiao’s press conference revealing that he was indeed “positive”…for Sting PowerPacq.

#PacquiaoPositive trended once more but instead, elicited positive reactions.

The integrated materials made a significant commotion, especially with the online community. The trending topic #PacquiaoPositive caught on, trending twice in a span of a few days, both during the teaser and launch phases.

And for the first time in its history, Pepsico sold 24,000,000 cases of Sting in the span of a month, all due to the successful Sting PowerPacq campaign.


During the first phase of the campaign, to tease the public, the hashtag “#PacquiaoPositive” was spread all over Twitter, striking curiosity among netizens. Instigators on Twitter created rumors in order to strike discourse, enraging the public. False news articles online and on print were released, talking about the fast-spreading rumors, begging for verification and answers from the camp of the People’s Champ. Pacquiao was even told to promise an answer during his live television show.

Triggering the launch of the campaign, all television stations simultaneously aired Manny Pacquiao’s mock press conference in a media roadblock. The spot featured Pacquiao confessing to the allegations that he is indeed “positive”…for the moringa-laced Sting PowerPacq.

After the launch, the reveal was on every broadsheet and tabloid in the metro and in some regions all over the Philippines, with false covers and spreads showing Manny Pacquiao positive for Sting PowerPacq.


The integrated materials made a significant commotion, especially online.

During the teaser phase, #PacquiaoPositive caught on, making it the number 2 trending topic of that day in the Philippines, even eliciting a response from Floyd Mayweather Jr. The media took notice; television news programs, news articles on print and online talked about the rumors.

After the people’s champ “press conference”, #PacquiaoPositive trended once more. But this time, it elicited a more positive response.

The initial goals set for Sting PowerPacq were achieved and more. The brand’s value and worth increased to 28% from 2011’s 19%. Top of mind and spontaneous awareness increased from 12 to 18% and 47 to 50% respectively.

And for the first time in its history, Pepsico sold 24,000,000 bottles of Sting in the span of a month, all due to the successful campaign, tripling sales of the previous year’s sales of the old gold variant.

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