Cannes Lions


OMD UK, London / NSPCC / 2014

Presentation Image
Case Film






• We used radio for the trust that listeners have in the medium, with a spot campaign driving listeners to the online guide.

• We persuaded radio stations to carry the message in daytime to make parents comfortable with the uncomfortable subject.

• Spots alone weren’t enough though for such an emotive subject, so we negotiated a partnership on the Heart FM station. Former Spice Girl, Heart FM DJ and mum Emma Bunton gave our campaign on-air editorial support.

• Online we partnered with mums’ forum Netmums, positioning The Underwear Rule video content alongside conversations that were already happening on the subject of abuse, in a safe, familiar environment.

• Netmums founder Siobhan Freegard was inspired to join the conversation.

• We seeded videos explaining The Underwear Rule receiving 2.3 million views.

• National TV, print and online media were quick to pick up on the story and give the campaign greater exposure.


• One mum who prompted conversation with her daughter uncovered child abuse. The abuser was arrested and sentenced to 8 years in prison.

• 22% increase in number of parents saying they now know what to say to their children to keep them safe from sexual abuse.

• 94% of parents now agree that it’s their responsibility to talk to their children about sexual abuse.

• From those recalling the campaign 39% more are now talking to their children about it .

• We think the Underwear Rule is here to stay.

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