Cannes Lions

People are The Places



1 Gold Cannes Lions
1 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
Presentation Image
Case Film
Case Film
Case Film
Case Film
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At a difficult time for the airline industry in Mexico, Aeromexico, the most important airline in the country needed an idea that could help them increase flight ticket sales.

Opening a new route is one of the clearest examples of how this can be achieved, however the process to do it is extremely complicated and is not necessarily something that you can draw on constantly.

Therefore, the challenge was to find a way to promote flight tickets sales taking as a reference the hype that causes to open a new route but that was actionable in a much more immediate way and avoiding that degree of complexity.


We opened millions of new air routes by turning every single person into a destination.

So, instead of buying tickets based on their geographic location, now people can buy personalized tickets where they are the origin and the people they travel to are the destination (e.g. From: Mariano - To: Luis).

By completing their purchase online, users receive an e-ticket that reflects this personalization and that works like any boarding pass on any device, at any airport.

Users also have the option of promoting themselves as a destination through a personalized video generated from their social data connected to our platform.

“People are the places” introduces a new standard scalable way of selling tickets, offering a 100% data-centered and personalized solution to make each flight unique and human-driven.


The target of an airline such as Aeromexico is significantly broad, mainly with people ranging anywhere in between 18 and 64 years of age, of socioeconomic levels A / B, C + and C.

Therefore, instead of the classic targeting, we decided to make a human centered campaign.

A hyper personalized campaign that integrates:

- Plane tickets from people to people.

- A creative online and offline ecosystem with specific messages according to the type of audience to which they are addressed (travel, entertainment, away from home, foodies and general).

- A video fed from its social data with which people can be promoted as destinations.

An integral experience that puts people at the center of the transaction to impact the business with a disruptive idea.


The implementation of the idea happens and mainly impacts the business through plane tickets from people to people.

The personalization of the tickets is carried out on a platform directly connected to salesforce where users can also be promoted as destinations with a video that is personalized from their social networks.

The message is transmitted through an audiovisual piece that reveals this new way of traveling and from which different materials were generated for display and video formats and social networks.

There is a great effort of PR, offline media such as printed materials, notes in magazines and OOH.

The idea is in the implementation period as an extension of the business and not only covers all direct Aeromexico routes in Mexico and the world, but also all the routes and connections with Skyteam that allow us to reach many more destinations globally.


Launch to date:

Impacting 20% online sales



Online: 340M

Offline: 279M


Online: 40M

Offline: 67.2M

Views: 20M

TRP's: 891


Impressions: 3.9M

Reach: 2.9M


Sessions: 1.5M

Unique users: 1.2M

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