Cannes Lions



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Aeromexico and Delta, official sponsors partners of the National Football Team of Mexico in Russia 2018, who started the world cup like never before, winning Germany, the world champion, 1 to 0.

Then, they won Korea 2 to 1. The pass to the next phase was already assured, they only had to tie against Sweden, but Sweden won 3 to 0. That left us practically out of the world cup. The only thing that could save us was that South Korea beat Germany. And it happened.

The Mexicans celebrated the South Korean triumph as if it were theirs what sparked in social networks a conversation of more than 1.9 B impressions in Mexico alone and #GraciasCorea positioned itself as a Trending Topic, with 67k mentions in an hour.

To join the celebration, we decided to change the name of the flag carrier of Mexico ...


We changed the livery on one of our planes from Aeromexico to AeroCorea. From the beginning of our messaging we announced a 20% discount for all flights between Mexico City and Seoul.

These actions were in line with our creative strategy to boost conversation and Aeromexico as a brand in a disruptive piece.


Aeromexico and Delta joined forces to co-sponsor the Mexican National Team during the World Cup 2018 games in Russia, creating a campaign entitled #VolamosConTodo. The main objective was to communicate the strategic alliance between Aeromexico and Delta, our flights between Mexico and the United States, in a niche market we know to consist of football aficionados.


We posted a tweet with the name Aerocorea on twitter. Then we launched a 20% discount promotion in Mexico - Seoul flights and we communicated that in our social media channels (TW, FB, IG) the flight discount promotion lasted one week, posted for Mexico and US market.


Boost of 200% in revenue for Mexico City – Seoul flights.

Aeromexico got in on the #GraciasCorea conversation organically, pulling in 16.3% Twitter conversation share.

The post garnered an engagement rate of 7.5% (4.9 percentage points above the Aeromexico social media average).

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