Spikes Asia

Pepsodent on Demand Wake Up Call

MINDSHARE, Jakarta / UNILEVER / 2017

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Every year, 220 million people in Indonesia, a country with the largest Muslim population, celebrate the holy month of Ramadan. During Ramadan, shift in daily routines occur. As Muslims practice fasting from break of dawn until sundown, they wake up before the break of dawn to have a pre-dawn meal before the first of the five daily prayers. This pre-dawn meal is known as Suhoor, or Sahur.

During fasting, Muslims are not encouraged to brush their teeth since it contains alcohol and other chemicals, thereby lessening the quality of the fast. So Pepsodent Action Herbal was developed as the natural toothpaste with no chemicals that can be used during Ramadan. The challenge was to own the Sahur moment to educate Mothers that there is a way to brush their teeth without sacrificing fasting with Pepsodent Herbal’s natural ingredients.


To build association with Sahur and leveraging on the popularity of Trio-Bajaj show, Pepsodent ran a charity-event featuring the comedians that gave food to the less fortunate during Sahur. This was amplified on Trio-Bajaj show and running-text on TV highlighted the ingredients of Pepsodent Herbal reminding moms that was safe-to-use during Ramadan.

The campaign was further amplified on social-media and mobile-display-banners all driving awareness for Pepsodent’s mobile wake-up call service.

Ensuring that the campaign is accessible to as many mothers as possible across

Economic-groups, we used UMB and IVR technology for this campaign. People subscribe to the wake-up service by dialing pre-assigned number to register their phone number. Upon registering number, they will get a wake-up call between 3am-4am in accordance to their time zones.

The wake-up call would feature Trio-Bajaj starting with joke to wake-mom-up followed by the reminder to make her family brush their teeth after Sahur.

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