Cannes Lions



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Brief:The market for tea drinkers is a shrinking one. More and more young people (especially younger women) are overlooking tea as a choice of drink, and the market is losing share to coffee drinkers and soft drinks. Ogilvy were briefed to ‘introduce’ PG Tips tea back to this market, under the banner of ‘breathing space’ – a chance to revitalise, de-stress and refresh. The brief also called for a positioning of tea as a healthier alternative to other beverages (there is evidence to suggest that tea does provide some specific health benefits), which would encourage lapsed drinkers to return to the brand or increase existing intake.To the target market (all drinkers of tea, but specifically the younger female spectrum who currently choose coffee by preference) PG Tips is the market leader, but is seen as less ‘sexy’ than comparative coffee brands, so this factor was also addressed in the creative solution.Solution:It was recognised that people often drink tea at set times during the day, therefore consumption is often restricted. The campaign addressed the issue of when and why tea is drunk. The vehicle for this was a character (Rosie Lea) whose remit is to alert the audience to both the benefits of drinking tea, as well as identifying new times/occasions when tea can be enjoyed.The campaign structure included a variety of channels and media:Development of the character Rosie Lea.Development of a ‘Tea Alert’ micro site, hosted by Rosie Lea.The 'Virtual Tea Break alert’ – a downloadable console that reminds users when to take breaks during the day by playing entertaining movies.Banners and drive to site media around the theme ‘Rosie Lea – Tea Break Alert’ placed on female interest sites.Data capture form for user contact details and tea brand / drinking habits.E-mail activity to leverage the viral effect of Rosie Lea.Initial e-mail: viral approach e-mail send to c.2000 Unilever / agency network – aimed to encourage friends to forward the URL to one another.Secondary e-mail: viral approach e-mail sent to a further 60,000 Unilever database registrants.Users were encouraged to visit the micro site, via invitation within an e-mail, either through viral distribution, or as a previous registrant within the Unilver database. Drive to site banners were also used to attract a female audience from female interest sites. The micro site contained details of the various health benefits of tea, as well as the opportunity to download the Rosie Lea console. As part of the download process, e-mail addresses and tea brand/drinking habits were captured.Results:The results for the campaign were set against some agreed criteria:To exceed the IML planned click-through rates (CTR) for all four creative executionsTo leverage download figures by at least 25% with the primary e-mail activityTo achieve 5000 downloads in total as a result of the secondary e-mail activityTo obtain opt-in permission to contact at least 50% of our sample in future activityTo achieve favourable press coverage for the campaignResults Summary:CTR for horizontal banners exceeded the planned figure by 0.4% Planned 0.2% - achieved 2.4%CTR for overt exceeded the planned figure by 1.24% Planned 2.0% - achieved 3.24%The site was viewed by 6,700 users during the campaign period There were 1,028 downloads of Rosie Lea49% stated PG was their preferred tea brand80% stated they drank 1-3 cups of tea daily60% opted-in rate for future communicationsThe overt achieved a click-through rate of 3.25%.

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