Spikes Asia

Photo OK Please


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Case Film






India is facing an acute shortage of qualified truck drivers.

Trucking is physically demanding with long hours on the road, extended periods away from family, harassment by officials and a largely unfavourable perception within the general public.

Additionally, increased and easier employment choices post liberalization means the struggle to attract new entrants is becoming harder with each passing day.

But truckers are incredibly significant to India’s growth story and as Asia’s largest truck manufacturer, Tata Motors felt a responsibility towards the situation. Thus beginning an evaluation of different ways to improve the public perception of trucking as well as the lives of existing truckers.


The Creative Idea

The Insight

For most people stuck in regular jobs, the freedom of the open road and the beauty of nature is a once in a while privilege. However, Truckers by virtue of their profession, enjoy the freedom to connect with the Great Outdoors as part of their daily travels.

The Idea

1. To showcase this unknown perk of the job in a way that inspired potential entrants to look at the profession in a new light.

2. Holding a mirror to existing truckers and bolster their feelings of worth and camaraderie.

The Campaign

‘Photo OK Please’ was launched as a photography contest exclusively for Tata truckers - to enable them to share photos of their travels through unseen and exotic parts of the country, win appreciation and feel validated about their choice of job.


Our research yielded some valuable insights.

1. Truckers are notoriously hard to reach as they’re usually traversing through media dark areas.

2. India is a huge country and between them, India’s truckers speak every major language in the country.

3. Many truckers can’t read or write.

We did find however, that they all carried mobile phones with (limited) data packs and hung out at highway food stops known as ‘dhabas’.

Thus we decided to speak to Truckers only via the single common and versatile denominator – Whatsapp.


The Execution

We designated a number using Whatsapp for Business and filtered thousands of truckers into groups based on their preferred mother-tongues.

By WhatsApping this number, drivers could self register via an easy link sent to them, submit the photos clicked by them for the contest and even get their queries resolved.

They were also sent daily updates about winners, referral program details, photography tips and tricks, and encouragement messages on this WhatsApp number.

To overcome the language barriers, we messaged them in 12 different regional languages, and for drivers who couldn’t read, sent voice messages and instructional/informative GIFs.

To overcome the literacy barrier, we utilized all the various features of WhatsApp to communicate with them - including sending instructional and informative messages as Audio, Photo Messages and Video Messages, in addition to the regular Text based updates.


Nearly 15,000 drivers

exchanged over 200,000 WhatsApp messages

and shared over 23,000 pictures

that reached a social media audience of nearly 10 million people!

We got Liked 227,606 times on Facebook

Our posts were shared 2397 times

Total Video Views exceeded > 1.8 Million

Over 120 winners were declared.

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