Cannes Lions

Pic Not Pick

OGILVY, Chicago / S.C JOHNSON / 2019

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Mrs. Meyer’s Clean Day®, a home cleaning brand whose products and scents are inspired by the garden, recognizes the important role plants play in our daily lives. From the air we breathe to the food we eat, we couldn’t survive without plants. But according to Britain’s Kew Royal Botanic Gardens, 1 in 5 plants are endangered. We set out to build awareness about this ecological issue starting with our app partnership. With it, we gave consumers a new way to learn about plants and the important role they play. Our objective was to educate them about conservation and inspire them to join us in saving an entire species. While using the app, consumers discovered tangible ways to act and were able to join us in conserving not just plants but all the species that rely on them.


At Mrs. Meyer’s®, the garden inspires everything we do. But 1 in 5 plants are endangered. To highlight this lesser-known issue, we partnered with PlantSnap®. For the first time, people could discover if a plant was endangered or not simply by taking a picture. Because human interference of collecting plants is one of the main causes for them becoming threatened, once users identified a plant, we asked them to ‘Pic Not Pick.’ They then learned about the greater role of the identified plant. From the app, they were led to our e-commerce site where they could support conservation efforts by purchasing one of our hand soaps. With each purchase, Mrs. Meyer’s® planted the endangered Purple Coneflower in our preservation garden.


Millennials gravitate to brands that support causes, especially ones that they support as well. When it comes to the planet however, there is well-intentioned talk and not enough action. To get millennials involved, we needed to make it incredibly convenient for them – that means mobile. We intercepted them in their most used apps, targeting on social to first generate cause awareness about endangered plants and then retargeted them with a way to act from the convenience of their phones via PlantSnap®. Within the app, we took a natural smartphone action (snapping a pic) and turned it into a vehicle for education. Plus, the results are instant – perfect for an audience that’s accustomed to speed in all aspects of life.


On social, we primed our audience with cause messaging about endangered plants. We then retargeted them with a call to action to directly download PlantSnap®, where they could discover plants’ statuses in real-time. Within the app itself, we invited them to celebrate Earth Month with us by learning more about the precious species in their area. Cameras at the ready, a simple pic was immediately identified, as was its position on the spectrum from not threatened to endangered. Once armed with this information, app users could also see Mrs. Meyer’s® preservation efforts with the endangered Purple Coneflower, a plant vital to pollinators, birds, and people, and purchase a Hand Soap to add to our garden.


o During the month of April, when our campaign was live, we had more than 156.8 million impressions.

o 26.9 Million impressions from the PlantSnap® app.

o Within the app, more than 25M plants’ statuses were identified.

o We sold 6% more hand soaps in April.

o We planted and distributed more than 270K endangered Purple Coneflowers, a flower that helps the honey bees and cold sufferers alike.

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